What you said about Open Education Resources
Dr Eva Sharpe, HE Policy Officer at the Society of Biology, reports on the results of our survey into the use of Open Education Resources Earlier this summer, I blogged about a Society of Biology project to promote the use of Open Education Resources (OER) by the bioscience community. As one strand of the project … Continue reading
What can you tell from a KIS
by Natasha Neill, Qualification & Skills Officer at the Society of Biology The past few months for universities all across the UK must have involved hours with reams of data from past students, as everyone counts down the days till the 31st October. By then all universities in the UK will make their Key Information … Continue reading
Bioethics video competition: ideas
There vast array of biological research going on around the world is throwing up some challenging questions for the whole of society to tackle, not just scientists. To explore these issues, the Nuffield Council for Bioethics is running Box Office Bioethics, a video competition for young people. School pupils and undergraduates are invited to submit … Continue reading
The Everyday Brain
by Zara Gladman On Friday 19th October 2012, schools, universities and individuals across the country will attempt to set a record for the World’s Largest Memory Game. Guided by neurobiologist Dr Daniela Peukert, I stuck on my thinking cap and took a journey around this highly complex organ . . .
The countdown to Biology Week
Excitement is rising here in Charles Darwin House as we prepare for our first ever Biology Week. Taking place from 13th – 19th October, the week features everything from dolphin science to neuroscience, and we’re keen for as many people as possible to get involved.
The Virtual School: calling all biologists!
Guest blog by Frédéric Kastner from The Virtual School The Virtual School’s vision is to create an innovative, free education resource that allows children from all over the world to learn about biology. To help us achieve this we’re asking for support from passionate biologists, whatever their background.
Panellists needed for women in science awards
It is well known that senior positions in universities and research institutes are predominantly filled by men, and moves are being made to tackle this. To increase gender equality, Athena SWAN recognises universities which are committed to the advancement and promotion of women in Science, Technology, Engineering, Maths and Medicine (STEMM). The Athena SWAN Charter … Continue reading
Have your say on Open Education Resources
Eva Sharpe, Higher Education Policy Officer, Society of Biology calls for people to fill in a HE teaching survey There are many excellent teaching resources publicly available for lecturers to use and re-use in the biosciences across various websites, publications and discussion forums. Although some of these resources are featured in specific online repositories such … Continue reading
Debating Matters calls for new judges
Guest post from Jason Smith, Institute of Ideas Whatever your thoughts are on the various bio-medical controversies currently facing society – whether your particular interest is in GM crops and the future of agriculture, the ethics of animal experimentation, or the benefits or otherwise of giving IVF treatment to women in their fifties – the … Continue reading
Sharing best practice in Higher Education
Eva Sharpe, HE Policy Officer This summer, the Heads of University Biosciences held its first Parliamentary Summer Reception in the House of Commons, co-hosted by Andrew Miller MP, Dr Julian Huppert MP and Mark Lancaster MP. The event celebrated HUBS becoming a Special Interest Group of the Society of Biology, bringing members together with the … Continue reading