The Society of Biology has recently launched our new registers under license from the Science Council, Registered Science Technician (RSciTech) and Registered Scientist (RSci), primarily focused at those at the early stages of their career. Although my work at the Society focusses on the award of Chartered Biologist (CBiol) and Chartered Scientist (CSci), through our new registers I’ve been working closely with companies, illustrating the benefits of engaging their workforce with our pathway of development.
There’s been real support for the registers, with many members of senior management pleased to see that technicians are finally being recognised. I’ve been surprised though, that when I’ve spoken about Chartered Scientist and Chartered Biologist, those more established in their career often don’t have Chartered Status, or engage in Continuing Professional Development.
Whilst the new registers are a welcome addition for the life sciences community, we must remember that they represent a pathway of progression, allowing scientist to move from RSciTech to CSci as they progress in their career. Having Chartered Biologists and Chartered Scientists in senior management positions in your company can often inspire those you work with at all levels. At one company, one Senior Scientist becoming gaining CBiol inspired another nine qualified members of staff to also apply, and many more to incorporate gaining Chartered Status into their professional goals.
Having CBiol or CSci (or both!) after your name, and using it, shows your peers that you continue to engage in your development, and gives those you manage or work with a target to aim for themselves. The benefit of promoting the importance of technicians through their new registers is clear, so we need to make sure we don’t forget to show the importance of professional development to those established in their career, that are committed to biology in academia, industry, education and research.
The Society of Biology’s deadline to apply for the Chartered Biologist and Chartered Scientist registers are the 25th and 5th of August respectively and you can find out more information and apply here. Members and Fellows of the Society can become CBiol free of charge and CSci for a £30 annual fee. If you’re interested in gaining Chartered Status but aren’t a member of the Society of Biology, you can join at the same time as applying for the registers, and if you’re a member of one of our many Member Organisations, you can get even get a 50% discount on the cost of membership for the first two years.
Any questions, comments or ideas on what the Society can do to promote Chartered Status can be left in the comments below, or sent to me at