Tagged With: transmission
Listen to the debate: Eradicating Malaria: Can we do it? Should we do it?
In 2007, Bill and Melinda Gates committed themselves to eliminating malaria worldwide. Today, it has been eliminated in 111 countries but can it be eradicated worldwide? If it can, would the resources be better spent on other developing world health initiatives? Would controlling the disease be more beneficial than elimination? During Biology Week 2014 we … Continue reading
Categories: Biology Week, Events, Latest research, Policy
Tags: africa, blood, disease, drug resistance, elimination, eradication, malaria, parasite, transmission, vaccine, vector
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Can we outsmart malaria? A question of tactics
Dara Annett is a PhD student in the Deu group in the Department of Parasitology, currently at the NIMR until the move to the Crick Institute in 2016 Malaria is one of humankind’s oldest battles. Our understanding has increased rapidly in the last century but there are still around 200 million cases reported per year … Continue reading
Categories: Biology Week
Tags: blood, drug resistance, malaria, parasite, transmission, vaccine, vector
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