Tagged With: Twitter
Twitter: a guide for the sceptical scientist
Following her article in the latest Biologist, Rebecca Nesbit gives a Twitter introduction for scientists and shares some of her favourite hashtags. Twitter can be a daunting place for a new user, and my advice spiel which starts with hashtags and @ mentions can be rather a turn off. So before I get going on … Continue reading
Categories: Careers, Royal Society of Biology
Tags: scicomm, science, science communication, social media, Twitter
1 Comment
What Twitter can bring to science writing
Rebecca Nesbit, press officer at the Society of Biology, is running evening courses on writing for a non-technical audience along with The Biologist’s managing editor Tom Ireland. Last year we ran our first course on writing for a non-technical audience, and I was struck by the diversity of people who attended. We had representatives from … Continue reading
Categories: Careers, Royal Society of Biology
Tags: social media, training courses, Twitter, writing
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