Tagged With: industry
Plant Health Studentships: opportunities for undergrads and providers
Dr Celia Knight FRSB, plant science education and employability consultant, shares her thoughts on undergraduate opportunities. What does a summer studentship mean to an undergraduate? When considering whether to undertake a summer research studentship, placement, internship or work experience, undergraduates might wonder: Does applying for a research studentship mean you have to know you want … Continue reading
A career in industry – the pros and cons
Guest blogger Avika Ruparell describes her experience of working for industry following her PhD I finished a PhD in molecular microbiology at The University of Nottingham at the end of last year and I’ve been working as a microbiologist for Unilever for just over 4 months now. In between the post-thesis submission and viva, I was … Continue reading
On postgraduate education – James Lush
I recently stumbled upon an article from the February 9th, 1952 edition (guess why?) of Nature, in which the Vice Chancellor of the University of Leeds was reported holding forth on ‘Postgraduate Studies in the Universities’. Said VC, Mr C.R. Morris, was reportedly adamant that “young men and women do not… sufficiently realise the importance, … Continue reading