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Tagged With: rivers

The water vole: can we save ‘Ratty’?

By Merryl Gelling, post-doc researcher at WildCRU and Mammal Society Council member. Read blogs about the other mammals in the #UKMammalPoll and vote for your Favourite UK Mammal. There can be no denying that the water vole, although physically fairly small, has the biggest ‘cute’ factor of all our UK mammals.  At first glance they … Continue reading »

Categories: Biology Week, Conservation, Latest research, Nature, UK mammal poll | Tags: , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on The water vole: can we save ‘Ratty’?

The macro-problem of microplastics

By Matt Turley AMRSB, NERC-funded PhD student at the University of Brighton and policy intern at the Royal Society of Biology The presence of plastics, particularly microplastics, in the environment has received increasing attention in recent years, with the UK government launching an inquiry last month (closing 15 April). Microplastics are particles of plastic smaller … Continue reading »

Categories: Conservation, Latest research, Nature, Policy | Tags: , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on The macro-problem of microplastics