Tagged With: UK Fungus Day
Fungal foes forge ahead
Dr Helen Fones, Associate Research Fellow at the University of Exeter, discusses fungi; the not-so ‘mundane monsters’. As part of Biology Week, the British Mycological Society‘s UK Fungus Day is hosting events across the UK and Ireland around 10th & 11th October. People are strange. A striking example of that strangeness can be seen in the … Continue reading
Fungi fight club!
Professor Lynne Boddy FRSB, Cardiff University, discusses one of her favourite subjects: fungus wars. As part of Biology Week, the British Mycological Society‘s UK Fungus Day is hosting events across the UK and Ireland around 10th & 11th October. Fungi rarely live alone, so they frequently encounter other fungi, bacteria and invertebrates, and sometimes vertebrates too. … Continue reading
Composting: recycling for the future
Dr Geoff Robson FRSB, senior lecturer at the University of Manchester discusses the role or fungi in composting. As part of Biology Week, the British Mycological Society‘s UK Fungus Day is hosting events across the UK and Ireland around 10th & 11th October. As I watched a JCB disassemble a 10m high compost heap so … Continue reading
Fungal Sat Nav
Dr Alexandra Brand FRSB, Research Fellow at the University of Aberdeen discusses her research into fungal cells with a built-in navigation system. As part of Biology Week, the British Mycological Society‘s UK Fungus Day is hosting events across the UK and Ireland around 10th & 11th October. Fungi are microbes that permeate the world around … Continue reading
Species of the week: birch polypore fungus
As part of National Fungus Day the British Mycological Society is asking people to take part in fungi spotting and let them know if you see the birch polypore. If you would like to hold an event as part of UK Fungus Day on the 12th October (part of Biology Week) please contact admin@britmycolsoc.info Piptoporus … Continue reading
Species of the week: fly agaric
As part of National Fungus Day the British Mycological Society is asking people to take part in fungi spotting and let them know if you see a fly agaric. If you would like to hold an event as part of UK Fungus Day on the 12th October (part of Biology Week) please contact admin@britmycolsoc.info Amanita … Continue reading
Dare you enter a fairy ring?
By Lily Brinn, an intern at the Society of Biology helping out with Biology Week 2013. UK Fungus Day kick starts Biology Week, beginning with a competition to find the largest fairy ring! A fairy ring is a naturally occurring ring or arc of mushrooms, they can be so small that you would hardly notice … Continue reading
Find the largest fairy ring for UK Fungus Day
As part of Biology Week 2013, we are celebrating UK Fungus Day on Sunday 13th October. The day is organised by the British Mycological Society and will involve events, lectures and fungal forays. It is a celebration of fungi and fungal research, exploring both the good and the bad! The fun has already started with … Continue reading
Flying Ant Survey – spread the word!
The weekend’s sunshine made it almost possible to imagine the summer flying ant season, so we’re gearing up for a second flying ant survey and are hoping to enlist even more support. We need data from multiple years to help us understand whether the pattern we saw in 2012 (two peaks in flying ant activity) … Continue reading