Tagged With: policy
Diversity in Science: creating an inclusive environment
By Gabriele Butkute AMRSB, science policy officer at the Royal Society of Biology and the Biochemical Society The Royal Society’s Annual Diversity Conference, ‘Diversity Matters – the road to inclusivity’ provided an uplifting environment to learn about initiatives in a range of workplaces. Meeting representatives from across the science sector, including from education and government, … Continue reading
Science and policymaking: reflections from a global meeting
By Alessandro Allegra, doctoral candidate in science and technology studies, UCL Over the last two days of September 600 scientists, policymakers, and knowledge brokers from all over the world gathered in Brussels to discuss how to improve dialogue between science and policymaking. The global conference, organised by the European Commission and the International Network for Government … Continue reading
What next for science after the referendum?
By Micha Hanzel, science policy intern at the Royal Society of Biology and PhD student at King’s College London Currently, the scientific community in the UK and Europe is faced with a challenge few scientists wanted. The majority of UK voters have decided to leave the European Union, a choice not shared by up to … Continue reading
Watch: Links Day 2016 – Science After the Referendum
Parliamentary Links Day is an annual event organised in Parliament by the Royal Society of Biology on behalf of the science community, which aims to strengthen dialogue between scientists and politicians. This year it took place on 28th June, just days after the UK voted to leave the EU, and thus explored: Science after the … Continue reading
Young scientists question MPs and Ministers
By Harriet Gliddon, PhD student at Imperial College London The House of Commons Science and Technology Committee and the Royal Society of Biology recently hosted the fifth Voice of the Future event. This is a unique event, where the normal select committee format is reversed, and MPs and civil servants answer the questions of early … Continue reading
Newton’s Apple: bridging the gap between scientists and lawmakers
By Michael Wood, policy intern at the Royal Society of Biology and the Biochemical Society It appears that there is a considerable level of disconnect between those who work in science and those who work in politics, and that until very recently this lack of engagement had not been tackled. For this reason, a group … Continue reading
Society welcomes transparent data as first step in widening university participation
By Dan Rowson AMRSB, education policy officer at the Royal Society of Biology The Government has announced that universities will be required to publish statistical data on applications, admissions and retention by gender, class and ethnic background. The Royal Society of Biology welcomes this development after expressing the need for full transparency of university data … Continue reading
Lords recommend field trial for GM insects
By Jackie Caine, policy manager at the British Ecological Society. This blog was originally posted on the British Ecological Society blog. In December, while the British Ecological Society was busy at our Annual Meeting in Edinburgh, the Lords Science and Technology Select Committee published their report on GM Insects, an inquiry to which the BES … Continue reading
Research, industry and policy join forces to tackle antimicrobial resistance
By Gabriele Butkute, science policy assistant at the Society of Biology and the Biochemical Society If we fail to act on AMR then an additional 10 million lives would be lost each year to drug-resistant strains of malaria, HIV, TB, and certain bacterial infections by 2050, at a cost to the world economy of 100 … Continue reading